City Cleaning Company

One of Kalantha’s many Mega Corporations employing thousands. City Cleaning Company originally found it’s first success by developing an odorless all-purpose cleaner toting that it could clean anything. Some of the cities’ more unscrupulous members learned that that same cleaner was incredibly difficult to detect in someone’s blood and contained no traces of magic whatsoever. Once word got around sales quadrupled in the first year skyrocketing City Cleaning Co. into the stratosphere. That level of success was short lived however due to insider information leaking to the press about the cleaner’s actual use. The original formula was supposedly destroyed and the company was mostly dismantled. The founder stepped down and was replaced by Goldie J. Cuthbert. With what seemed like unlimited funds Goldie diversified company interests buying out local small businesses and absorbing their assets. Now, City Cleaning Co. has bought up many areas and have turned them into full labor boroughs with housing, general stores, streets, and even restaurants all under the company name.