
Glimmerstone is a magical substance capable of storing magical energy at a rate much higher than other conductors, such as Iron, Gold, Copper, or Brass. As such, it is heavily sought after by arcane craftspeople, mages, wizards, sorcerers, steamcrafters, and others.

Additionally, consumption of Glimmer is known to result in psychedelic side-effects, so an industry of drug-trade has started to form around the substance.

Recent research on the application of Glimmerstone has resulted in an entirely new industry of science and engineering, paving way to the technological and scientific advancement known as Glimmertech.

In its raw form, Glimmerstone is a blue-ish purple, rocky stone mined from the earth, and is usually found in places of magical power. Depending on the application, it is eventually grounded into fine powder, or goes through a complex process of liquification.